Adult training

Adult training resources

All adult roles in Scouting (except for PVG helper) require some training to be done to ensure the ongoing safety of all our members. 

The downloadable files below contain templates showing which modules are needed for each role ('Personal Learning Plans' or 'PLPs') and the requirements and validation options for of those modules.  The PLP templates are also available separately below.

Scout training operates on the 'LOVE' principle = Learning Optional, Validation Essential!

So, there may be instances where you have prior experience which means you don't have to do any additional learning and can move straight to validating a module.  In other areas, you may feel you need to learn more before you can successfully ask for a module to be signed off. 

  • 'Getting Started' modules (highlighted in yellow) must be completed within 5 months of starting a role.
  • 'Wood Badge' modules must be completed within 3 years of starting a role.

Personal Learning Plan Templates

Section leader & Asst Section Leader

Section Assistant

Group Exec Member

Request Training

Use the form below to request  training.  Add the specific date if known (see Calendar for details) or simply use the form to request any other training you need.  If it is not already planned, your request will help us understand what is needed!

Training Request Form

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